all postcodes in AB15 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB15 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB15 7AL 1 1 57.131659 -2.171355
AB15 7AQ 1 1 57.134413 -2.153145
AB15 7AT 20 0 57.13521 -2.14768
AB15 7FG 17 0 57.134009 -2.13773
AB15 7FH 57 0 57.134142 -2.139118
AB15 7FJ 48 0 57.133146 -2.138437
AB15 7PF 23 0 57.130764 -2.139485
AB15 7PG 6 0 57.129922 -2.1402
AB15 7PH 27 1 57.128561 -2.141773
AB15 7PJ 11 0 57.130387 -2.139501
AB15 7PL 30 0 57.126023 -2.145942
AB15 7PN 25 0 57.125412 -2.145477
AB15 7PP 24 0 57.125062 -2.145311
AB15 7PQ 22 0 57.125221 -2.139795
AB15 7PR 14 1 57.124552 -2.143723
AB15 7PS 16 0 57.124229 -2.143524
AB15 7PT 35 0 57.124857 -2.144055
AB15 7PU 7 0 57.124662 -2.14156
AB15 7PW 12 0 57.126511 -2.143334
AB15 7PX 40 0 57.123092 -2.148045